Patient checklist on discharge

Patients have told us it is important they have the correct information to assist a safe discharge.  We have put together some questions that patients found were important to ask the hospital staff before they go home.

Please use this as a prompt.

  • I need to understand what is wrong with me, my diagnosis?
  • My family partner need to speak to the nurse or doctor?
  • I need my medications explained, what they are, when to take them and what to do if I have trouble with side effects?
  • Have I been told what investigations I may need and what they will show?
  • Have I been told I can pick and choose the leaflets from the patients library to take home with me?
  • Have I got the ‘call numbers’ to use, should I need advice?  Do I have the specialist nurse’s call card?
  • Have I been told that I will have a clinic visit with a specialist nurse dietician and cardiac physiotherapist after discharge?
  • Have I been told the health information library staff can visit me on the ward to ask if I need information to assist me in my recovery?
  • What do I do if I am not feeling well?  Or I have symptoms like the ones that brought me to hospital?
  • Have I been told the day/date/time I will be discharged from hospital?

This list is not exhaustive; please feel free to ask any other questions that are important to you.

If you wish to comment please ask to speak to Dr Cas Shotter Weetman or contact her on 0208 321 5285.
