Cardiology (children)

What we do

Babies and children benefit from world-class expertise at both Chelsea and Westminster and The Royal Brompton hospitals provided by our highly effective and seamless cardiology service which starts before birth.

The service provides prenatal and postnatal diagnosis, and surgical correction of congenital heart problems, including in premature babies. Babies with heart problems detected before birth are screened and delivered at Chelsea and Westminster where they are cared for in our neonatal intensive care unit before being transferred to The Royal Brompton Hospital for surgery.

We also run a weekly outpatient clinic at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital for children with congenital heart disease.

At West Middlesex University Hospital, our own consultant with a special interest in cardiology works with the specialist cardiology team at The Royal Brompton.

Our team

Our team at Chelsea and Westminster is led by consultant Dr Piers Daubney. At West Middlesex our lead is Dr Eleanor Hulse.


Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Children’s Outpatients
1st Floor, Lift Bank D

T: 020 3315 8600 or 020 3315 8601 (Paediatric Emergency Care—for urgent advice)

West Middlesex University Hospital

Children’s Outpatients
3rd Floor

T: 020 8321 5424

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