Respiratory disease (children)

What we do

Our respiratory service at Chelsea and Westminster is led by one of the country’s leading experts in paediatric respiratory disease and past president of the British Paediatric Respiratory Society. We care for children with all types of respiratory disease including severe asthma, breathing problems and disorders, chronic respiratory symptoms and recurrent chest infections.

At West Middlesex our consultant-led respiratory clinic specialises in the diagnosis, management and follow-up of children and young people up to 16 years with viral induced wheeze, asthma, pneumonia and other respiratory conditions, and children with, or who have been in contact with, tuberculosis.

We run one consultant-led respiratory Clinic once a week and one joint outreached clinic with a respiratory consultant from The Royal Brompton Hospital every three months to discuss complicated patients. We also have a nurse-led tuberculosis screening clinic and a consultant-led tuberculosis clinic once a week. We perform peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) and lung spirometry tests and perform skin prick testing for allergies.

Our team

Dr Ian Balfour-Lynn is our lead consultant Chelsea and Westminster. Dr Elhadi is our lead consultant at West Middlesex, alongside asthma nurse Lisa Gunter.


Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Children’s Outpatients
1st Floor, Lift Bank D

T: 020 3315 7193

West Middlesex University Hospital

Children’s Outpatients
3rd Floor, East Wing

The Royal Brompton Hospital

All investigations (bronchoscopy and other invasive diagnostic tests) are carried out at The Royal Brompton Hospital.

George Vasilopoulos