Emotional support

clinical psychology in oncology, emotional support, cancer services, talking therapy, counselling

Cancer diagnosis affects many aspects of life—both for a patient and their loved ones.

Emotional support such as psychology is highly effective in helping people deal with the diagnosis and the physical and emotional side-effects of cancer.

Our psychologists are here to help you deal with the emotional side-effects of cancer and provide you with support and practical help.

Our service is free and confidential.

Who is the service for? 

If you are a cancer patient in Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, a carer, a relative or a friend, you may be able to access support from a psychologist.

What are the benefits?

There is a lot of evidence that psychological support can help you to cope better with the many difficulties you face, during and after your cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Benefits include:

  • help with family and relationship issues
  • help with exploring personal issues
  • overcoming anxiety and stress
  • applying proven self-help techniques to minimise side-effects of treatment and enhance your quality of life
  • Find different ways of coping that hadn't occurred to you before

How do I access psychological support?

Ask a Chelsea and Westminster Hospital healthcare professional such as your oncologist or cancer doctor, a clinical nurse specialist (CNS) or chemotherapy nurse about psychology support. Any member of oncology staff can refer patients and their loved ones to Psychology. You will be offered an appointment as soon as possible.  


Kobler Daycare
T: 020 3315 5626

rknox George Vasilopoulos