
Governor roles within subcommittees

Governors assist in the development of ideas, advise on issues and act as ‘eyes and ears’ in the Trust and within the community within the following distinct roles:

  • Advisory: Providing a steer on how the Trust can carry out its wider business to satisfy the needs of Foundation Trust members and the wider community
  • Guardianship: Acting as guardians to ensure the Trust operates in accordance with its purpose and authorisation, and as trustees for the welfare of the organisation
  • Strategic: Advising on the longer term direction of the Trust to aid the Board of Directors in developing effective policies

Subcommittees enable governors to effectively undertake their key roles and provide appropriate assurance to the Council of Governors. Membership is reviewed annually and governors should have the opportunity to join one or more subcommittee during their terms. The subcommittee are supported by the corporate governance office.

Nominations and remuneration subcommittee

The non-executive director nominations and remuneration subcommittee is responsible for making recommendations to the Council of Governors on the appointment of the chair and non-executive directors, having satisfied itself that its recommendations fulfil the Trust’s needs in terms of skills and experience. It also sets the remuneration, allowances and terms of appointments of the chair and non-executive directors.

The subcommittee works with the senior independent director and the chair to agree the process for the evaluation of the chair and non-executive directors, then subsequently reviews the outcomes of performance appraisals to inform remuneration and benefits decisions.

Membership and engagement subcommittee

The membership and engagement subcommittee oversees the development and implementation of the Trust’s Membership Strategy, advising on ways to achieve equity of representation evaluating our progress. It supports the development of effective recruitment mechanisms and promotes the development and implementation of an engagement plan to ensure effective communication with members and real involvement with the Trust. It also ensures that the role of governors as ambassadors of the Trust is maximised.

George Vasilopoulos