Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in women

What is HPV?

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a very common infection that is passed on by sexual contact. It is likely that most of us who have ever been sexually active have had HPV at some time in our life although we may not have known.

HPV is not a single virus but a family of more than 100 types of HPV that affect the body. Approximately 40 types of HPV affect the genital area.

It is some of these types that can cause changes to the cells in the cervix and that can lead to cervical cancer.

However, most HPV infections go away on their own. A few types of HPV cause genital warts that you can see but otherwise you cannot see HPV.

How is the virus spread?

Genital HPV is passed on through sexual contact including vaginal, anal, oral and non-penetrative sex.

How is HPV diagnosed?

If you have an abnormal smear test it is a sign that you have probably been exposed to HPV.

Some smear test samples are now tested for high-risk types of HPV. In some women high-risk HPV types have shown progression to cause very high grades of cell abnormality but it is also possible for it to disappear on its own without causing any high-grade cell abnormalities.

Is there any treatment?

There are no reliable treatments (such as antibiotics or antivirals) that have been proven to get rid of the virus. As the virus disappears spontaneously in most women over time a “wait and see” policy is the usual management depending on the level of abnormality in your smear test.

Should you practice safe sex (use condoms)?

Correct and consistent use of male or female condoms could appear to be a sensible precaution. However, the virus might have been present for many years before its detection and, therefore, passed on before you start using condoms so it is difficult to give specific advice about this.

Furthermore, even with condom use there are still areas of unprotected skin so condoms may not offer full protection.

How long might you have had HPV?

This is an impossible question to answer as the virus can remain in your body without harm for considerable periods of time or it can be quickly dealt with by your immune system.

How will HPV affect your health?

Fortunately most HPV infections go away on their own within two years without causing any complications or harmful long-term effects.

In the Colposcopy Clinic we will monitor any changes to your cervix that are caused by HPV and we will treat any abnormal cells if it is necessary (if the HPV persists for two years or more or if the abnormal cells progress to high grades of abnormality).

The presence of HPV does not affect your chances of becoming pregnant.

Does smoking have an effect on HPV?

Smoking has a significant impact on your immune system. Therefore, you are less likely to get rid of the virus and you are at higher risk of developing precancerous changes if you are a smoker.

These precancerous changes may (but not often) progress onto cervical cancer over a period of time. Persistence and progression of HPV is more common in women who smoke.

Questions from partners

Should your partner see a doctor or attend a sexual health clinic?

If your partner is worried about you having HPV found in screening they may wish to visit their GP or sexual health clinic for further explanation.

There is currently no reliable test to detect HPV in men so, unless there is evidence of genital warts, there is no examination/test that male partners can have.

Can your partner be treated?

If your partner has no symptoms there is no treatment available. If there are symptoms such as warts your partner can be treated in the sexual health clinic.

How long might your partner have had HPV?

Again, this is an impossible question to answer as the virus can remain in the body without harm for considerable periods of time or can be dealt with quickly by the immune system.

Sexual health appointments

To book an appointment at clinics associated with Chelsea and Westminster:

T: 020 3315 6699
W: John Hunter Clinic  

To book an appointment at clinics associated with West Middlesex Hospital:

T: 020 8321 5718
W: Sexual Health Hounslow

Contact information 

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

Colposcopy Clinic
Gynaecology Outpatients
1st Floor, Lift Bank B

Opening hours: Mon–Thu, 8am–5pm

T: 020 3315 5927

West Middlesex University Hospital

Colposcopy Clinic
Women’s Day Unit

1st Floor, Queen Mary’s Building

Opening hours: Mon–Thu, 8:30am–4:30pm

T: 020 8321 5067

Liz Alden George Vasilopoulos ruby