Regular ear care

Ear care information

  • Ears are designed to clean themselves (skin migration and jaw movements facilitate emptying  wax)
  • Some wax is meant to remain in the ear canal, it provides protection against dust, dirt and infections
  • Do not use cotton buds to clean your ears, it can push the wax further down the canal, potentially result in wax impaction and ear canal trauma or bud stuck in the canal.
  • “Don’t stick anything in the ears smaller than the elbow” is a popular saying to prevent traumatic scratches and the mechanical wax build up pushing the wax like play-doh further down the ear canal, even when it is itchy, as this can cause blockage and impaction of the wax preventing the evacuation of wax-debris.
  • Generally, avoid over the counter eardrops as some of the preparations can irritate the sensitive ear canal skin. Ear care professionals can give guidance in the use of eardrops.
  • Avoid getting water, soap or shampoo into the ear when having a bath or shower. Place a piece of cotton wool coated in Vaseline to prevent entry of water. Ear plugs may be used for swimming if having recurrent ear infections. Keep your ears dry especially if you have a tympanic membrane perforation or any skin condition such as eczema or psoriasis.
  • If the skin of your ears is very dry and itchy moisturizers can be used around the bowl of the ear and the entrance of the ear canal.
  • If the ears are very dry and itchy oil eardrops/spray can be used sparingly.
  • If experiencing discomfort and being unsure about the state of the ears  it is advised to get them check by your GP and/or refer  to the ear specialist to assess the ears. 
  • Ear micro-suction can be performed to clear wax/debris from the canal, allow examination and manage different ear conditions, especially where water irrigation is not advised, e.g. drum perforations, ear surgery, skin conditions and recurrent ear infections, unilateral deafness 
Julio Rodriguez, ANP