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Statistics show no mixed sex accommodation breaches in August for patients at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

21 September 2012

Figures released by the Department of Health on the 20 September show that Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust was one of 16 trusts in London with no mixed sex accommodation breaches in August.

Figures released by the Department of Health on the 20 September show that Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust was one of 16 trusts in London with no mixed sex accommodation breaches in August.

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital has not had any mixed sex accommodation breaches since April and has only recorded two breaches in total in 2012 so far.

All organisations that provide NHS care are expected to eliminate mixed sex accommodation except in situations where it is in the best overall interest of the patient or if it is the patient’s choice. Patients who have been admitted to hospital should not have to share sleeping areas with people of the opposite sex and bathroom and toilet facilities should also be separate.