Corporate publications

Annual plan

Annual reports

Download our Annual Report and Accounts 2022/23 and Quality Report 2022/23.  


Previous annual reports

West Middlesex University Hospital become part of Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust on 1 Sep 2015.

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital: West Middlesex University Hospital:


Declarations of interest, gifts and hospitality

This website allows members of the public to view our register of staff declarations of interest, thus providing transparency and accountability in compliance with the latest NHS England guidance.

In April 2017, NHS England published a new model policy on managing conflicts of interest in the NHS which came into force in Jun 2017. In the interests of full transparency, staff are required to comply with our Standards of Business Conduct Policy (which is in line with the new guidance) which sets out how and when to declare interests, gifts and hospitality. Decision-making staff are required to make an annual declaration, including a nil declaration if they have no interests to declare. 

All decision making staff are required to make positive declarations on receipt of any gift or offer of hospitality or if they have any known conflict of interest that may be a conflict to them and the Trust.

We publish an annual register:

Other publications

Need help with acronyms? The NHS Confederation’s Acronym Buster can help. 

layla relliott swagdaddyabs covid amyco Maya Sharda Lilley Bridges George Vasilopoulos