Emergency preparedness

Emergency preparedness resilience and response

We need to plan for, and respond to, a wide range of incidents and emergencies that could affect health or patient care at any of our sites. These could be anything from extreme weather conditions to an outbreak of an infectious disease or a major transport accident. The Civil Contingencies Act (2004) requires NHS organisations to show that they can deal with such incidents while maintaining services.

This work is referred to in the health community as emergency preparedness, resilience and response (EPRR), and we work closely with other hospitals and emergency services in planning for and managing all types of significant and major incidents.

We have a dedicated emergency preparedness team but every member of staff plays a vital role in ensuring a professional NHS response to an incident and each area of the trust also has a nominated lead for emergency planning.

Robert Hodgkiss (Deputy Chief Executive / Accountable Emergency Officer)
020 3315 6634
E: robhodgkiss@nhs.net 

Catherine Sands (Head of Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity)
T: 020 3315 6729 or 020 3315 5000

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