Quality subcommittee terms of reference

1. Authority

1.1 The Council of Governors’ Quality subcommittee is constituted as a subcommittee of the Council of Governors under Standing Orders 4 and 5 of Annex 7 to the Trust Constitution.

1.2 Its terms of reference shall be as set out below and shall not be amended, revoked or replaced except by a resolution passed at a general meeting of the Council of Governors.

2. Aim

2.1 The aim of this subcommittee is to monitor and enquire into all aspects of the quality of services provided in the Trust’s hospitals, providing key stakeholder input into the development and implementation of the Trust's quality programme, including safety, effectiveness and patient experience.

3. Role

3.1 To identify priorities for quality improvement in line with national and local initiatives.

3. 2 To contribute to the structure and content of the Quality Account, within the 
required framework, to ensure it is clearly and well-presented and can be understood by all stakeholders, including developing agreed metrics.

3.3 To advise on communication of the Quality Account, and quality initiatives, including meeting the needs of a range of patients.

3.4 To identify ways in which stakeholders can be involved in the quality programme e.g. safety walkabouts, advising on leaflets.

3.5 To champion the patient's experience and encourage and advise on patient involvement.

3.6 To identify areas where there is particular added value from stakeholders.

3.7 To encourage the quality of staff performance through the Quality Awards scheme.

3.8 To obtain the lay perspective on assurance of quality.

3.9 To link in to work of the Board’s quality committee.

3.10 The Council of Governors shall not delegate any of its powers to the subcommittee and the subcommittee shall not exercise any of the powers of the Council of Governors.

4. Membership of the subcommittee

4.1 The subcommittee shall comprise both elected and appointed governors.

4. 2 The following Trust staff shall be members of the subcommittee:

a) The Chief Nursing Officer or a suitable deputy
b) The Chief Medical Officer or a suitable deputy
c) The Director of Quality Governance or a suitable deputy
d) The Director of Corporate Governance and Compliance  

In attendance:

  • Board Governance Manager 
  • Membership Officer 
  • Other Trust staff maybe be invited to attend  

5. Quorum

5.1  A quorum shall comprise at least one of the Director of Corporate Governance and Compliance, Chief Medical Officer or Chief Nursing Officer and three Governors.

6. Frequency of meetings 

6.1 The subcommittee shall meet four times per year and shall report to the Council of Governors after each meeting. 

7. Attendance requirements

7.1 Subcommittee members are expected to attend two thirds of the meetings in a year.

8. Administration of the meeting 

8.1 This will be undertaken by the Board Governance Manager. 

9. Review 

9.1 The terms of reference of the subcommittee shall be reviewed by the Council of Governors at least annually.

  • Reviewed by the Quality Sub‐Committee on 19 April 2017
  • Approved by the Council of Governors on 18 May 2017
  • Reviewed by the Quality Sub‐Committee on 20 April 2018
  • Approved by the Council of Governors on 17 May 2018
  • Reviewed by the Quality Sub-Committee on 1 February 2019
  • Approved by the Council of Governors on 25 April 2019 
  • Reviewed by the Quality Sub-Committee on 26 March 2020 
  • Approved by the Council of Governors on 23 April 2020 
George Vasilopoulos