Chlamydia treatment

Chlamydia treatment is straightforward and has a success rate of 95% or more.

An infected person will usually receive a single dose of an antibiotic. In some instances (eg in men with testicular pain or women with pelvic pain) a longer course of antibiotics may be warranted.

Results for chlamydia tests take seven working days. If you test positive you may be asked to return to clinic for treatment. However in some instances you may be given chlamydia treatment on the day of your test, ie without waiting for your results. This may occur if you report a sexual partner has been infected with chlamydia or if a condition known as an NSU is diagnosed in men who have a urethral swab taken.

If you have been infected with chlamydia it is possible you may also have another STI. Therefore it is advisable that you have a full sexual health screen for gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV. Any of our three sexual health clinics routinely offer sexual health check-ups alongside chlamydia tests.

If you are pregnant, you may be asked to return following treatment to make sure the chlamydial infection has been eradicated.

In women using the combined contraceptive pill or patch, the antibiotics used in your chlamydia treatment may temporarily reduce the effectiveness of your contraception. Our staff will advise on how to ensure you are protected from pregnancy throughout the course of your treatment.

Effects of chlamydia treatment

After you have begun your course of chlamydia treatment, you should start to notice an improvement in your symptoms within a few days. Generally, most symptoms should resolve completely within 2–4 weeks. If any symptoms persist, such as pelvic pain or pain during sex, please return to the clinic as further treatment or investigations may be necessary.

If you are diagnosed with chlamydia you may need to inform anyone you have had sex with within the last six months as they may also be infected. They should be advised to attend a sexual health clinic for a chlamydia test and will usually be offered treatment on the day they attend. This advice is regardless of whether they have any symptoms or not, or whether or not you used a condom.

If you feel unable to inform previous sexual partners one of our Health Advisers will be able to notify them on your behalf without revealing your identity.

You should not have oral, anal or vaginal sex during your course of chlamydia treatment or for seven days after a single dose of chlamydia treatment and also until your current partner completes their treatment and until both you and your partner’s symptoms have abated. This is to avoid being re-infected and requiring further treatment.

George Vasilopoulos